CWC Mind and Body Center Suggested Resources
Includes resources on general wellness, meditation/relaxation, sleep, anxiety/stress relief, grief/loss, relationships and communication, and body.
CWC Online Resources
Includes relaxation videos as well as training videos.
Suicide Prevention Resources
Resources include contacts, red flags, and training.
ACGME Physician Wellbeing
Tools and resources on wellbeing, burnout, depression and suicide.
Clinical Wellbeing Knowledge Hub
Physician Wellness resources.
Doctor Your Spirit
Physician Burnout resources.
AMA Preventing Physician Distress and Suicide
Online module with recommended steps to prevent distress and suicide.
NEJM Physician Burnout
Burnout Resources
Sinsky Website
This is a website and blog for physicians in search of greater efficiency, meaning and joy in their work
Physician Wellness Resources Through FMA
Burnout Resources
EduMed Student Guide
Stress Management Guide for Healthcare and Medical Students