Visit the “Workplace Safety” site on our UF Health Bridge intranet portal. (Located under the “Policies & Procedures” tab.)
SNAP: Student Nighttime Auxiliary Patrol
Free, nightly, campus safety and transportation service for students sponsored by UF Student Government, Student Traffic Court and UF Transportation and Parking Services.
Eligibility: Students
Fee: No
Later Gator
Late night and extended hours service to get you where you need to go safely.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
UPD Services
UFPD offers numerous services to the UF community to promote safety across campus and aid crime victims (e.g., conducting security surveys, property registration, crime reporting).
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
UF GatorSafe App
Smartphone users who download the free GATORSAFE safety app can now report tips to the UF Police Department, make emergency calls, and perform other functions that improve their personal safety and security.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
FrontDoor Software
UF provides FrontDoor Software Laptop Loss and Recovery, a program that allows you to remotely lock, alarm, and track your laptop in case of theft. It uses GPS tracking that only you can access.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
Bicycle Registration and Safety
The bicycle registration process includes affixing a reflective, numbered decal to a bicycle and recording the information about the owner and the bicycle for retrieval in the event the bicycle is stolen.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
Victim Services
Resources for victims of domestic and spousal abuse; stalking and harassment; or sexual violence and assault. Available through UFPD.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
Victim Services and Rape Crisis Center of Alachua County
Provides a number of free resources and services to individuals who are victims of crime (counseling, support groups, testing, transportation, assistance with legal system).
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
UFPD Safety and Crime Prevention Classes
University of Florida Police Department’s web page listing the educational programs currently offered by the community services division.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
UFPD Active Shooter Training
This presentation provides information on the active shooter, law enforcement response, and what you can do as an individual to help protect yourself in this kind of situation.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
The S.A.F.E. (Self-Defense Awareness and familiarization Exchange) program is taught by nationally certified instructor who is dedicated to help members of our community become more aware of and better familiar with basic self-defense concepts. The course is a 2-hour class geared toward adult and teenage women.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
After-Hours Security Escort
UF Health Shands Security offers escorts for staff needing rides to and from parking areas and workplaces after shuttle service ends.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
UF Health Protect App
UF Health Protect is a free, user-friendly personal safety app for UF Health faculty, staff and students. It offers intuitive navigation to quickly connect users with an assortment of digital safety tools. They include: Friend Walk (virtually connect with someone you know and trust so you don’t have to walk alone); Safety Toolbox (share your location with a friend or contact the UF Health Shands Security Team); and Emergency Contacts (skip the dialing; connect to Security or 911 responders).
Eligibility: All
fee: No
TransLoc Rider App
Know when the next shuttle will arrive and get you to your location at UF Health using this mobile app on Apple, Android and other platforms. Features include stop locations, expected arrival times and each shuttle’s capacity.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
For our shuttle services hours and maps
We have free shuttle service for staff to and from parking areas and several campus facilities from 5:45 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. weekdays excluding holidays.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
UF Public Safety Resources
This UF Public Safety site contains links to UF Police Department, UF Department of Emergency Management, UF Environmental Health & Safety Department and social media pages. All updates located here can affect both internal and external audiences.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
UFPD Victim Services and Crime Prevention Presentations
Presentations on a variety of victim services topics can be presented to one’s organization.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
UF students are encouraged to use the GATORSAFE App
GATORSAFE is UF’s mobile safety app. The app encourages information-sharing between students and police to prevent and deter crimes. With GATORSAFE, you can summon help anywhere on campus, submit a crime tip and view local crime. Tap the “Mobile BlueLight” button to send your GPS location and be connected to campus police on a phone call. The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
Number: 352-392-1560
Victim Resources
UF, local, and national resources for crime victims have been compiled. If you would like to talk to a Victim Advocate to discuss any resources or next steps, contact the Office of Victim Services at 352-392-5648 (M-F 8am-5pm) or 352-392-1111 (after hours).
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
Written Explanation of Rights & Options
Explanation of rights and options for survivors of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking that has been reported to a UF Campus Security Authority.
Eligibility: All
Fee: No
Campus Security Authority Report Form
Form to report any crimes committed on UF campus, in order to assist with accurate tracking/reporting of crime statistics. Note: this form does not file a report with law enforcement (which needs to be done separately, if appropriate).