Wellness Rx

Creating a Wellness Prescription

Setting realistic goals for yourself is an important step in your wellness journey. You will be more likely to succeed if you choose to work on one small goal at a time. Then, as you succeed in reaching your goal, you can continue taking steps toward better health and well-being by setting another.

Almost everyone can make improvements in all areas of wellness, but it is up to you to choose which area to start with and what goal makes the most sense for you today. After all, you know best what matters most in your life and what sorts of resources and barriers will impact your ability to succeed.

We encourage you to review the available programs, services, and resources in the Resource hub and consider seeking professional advice and support to identify a goal that makes sense for you. Your goal today might even be to set an appointment with an appropriate health care professional who can help guide you on your journey.

When you are ready to choose a goal, click on the button below that matches the wellness area you selected. From there you can download the relevant wellness prescription to print and complete.

Here are some additional tips for success:

  • Keep your Wellness Rx somewhere visible: taped to your bathroom mirror or computer monitor, on your nightstand, or posted on your refrigerator (or take a photo of it to keep on your phone).
  • Set a reminder to yourself for one week from now to check in on your progress.
  • Tell a supportive person about your plan, and ask them to help you stay accountable.